228 search results
Fraud & ID Verification
Top 10: Fraud & ID Verification Platforms
This week, we run through the leading fraud and ID verification platforms operating in the fintech space today

Financial Services (FinServ)
Databricks: Why Now's the Time for Finserv to Embrace Gen AI
Russ Rawlings, RVP, Enterprise, UK&I at Databricks discusses what financial services firms should do to embrace generative AI

Digital Payments
Apple Opens iPhone NFC Capabilities to Third-Party Devs
In a departure from its closed system approach to NFC technology, Apple has opened its NFC capabilities to third-party developers as part of iOS18.1

Kunal Jhanji
We speak to Kunal Jhanji, Managing Director and Partner at BCG about his career to date and the future of Gen AI in financial services

Blockchain Technology and Modern Banking Systems
Blockchain technology, known for its decentralised and transparent nature, is pushing forward the financial services industry