10 search results
Financial Services (FinServ)
Year in review 2023: FinTech Magazine cover stories
FinTech Magazine reflects on its cover stories from the past 12 months, featuring executives from Saphyre, Volt, Fujitsu and J.P. Morgan Payments

Financial Services (FinServ)
European BaaS player Vodeno appoints new CEO and Chairman
Banking-as-a-service (BaaS) company Vodeno has made two key hires, appointing Philip McHugh and Noah Sharp to the roles of Chairman and CEO respectively

Financial Services (FinServ)
AccorInvest: ESG at the heart of digital transformation
Spearheaded by Group Chief Information Officer Wojciech Łącz, a digital transformation has taken place at AccorInvest, and the entire company is in on it

Wojciech Lacz
Spearheaded by Group Chief Information Officer Wojciech Lacz, a digital transformation has taken place at AccorInvest, and the entire company is in on it

Ahmed Disokey
Spearheaded by Group Chief Information Officer Wojciech Lacz, a digital transformation has taken place at AccorInvest, and the entire company is in on it