19 search results
Financial Services (FinServ)
Top 10: Open Banking Companies
FinTech Magazine looks at the Top 10 open banking companies enabling banks and fintechs to deliver actionable insights and greater CX

Digital Payments
Money20/20 USA: Volt CEO Tom Greenwood on Real-time Payments
Tom Greenwood, CEO at Volt, Spoke to FinTech Magazine During Money20/20 USA About the Evolution of Real-Time Payments and His Company's Goals for 2024

Tech & AI
Gen AI: Innovating the future of payments technology
While the economy has struggled in 2023, innovations in payments technology have continued to inspire, with Gen AI the catalyst for this success

Fintech in 2024: The big questions answered
In this roundtable, we ask how the industry could be affected by changes in cybersecurity, crypto, AI, open banking, mobile and welltech going into 2024

Digital Payments
A2A: 75% of PSPs and ISVs to implement open banking payments
Three-quarters of PSPs and ISVs intend to implement open banking payments, like account-to-account (A2A) transfers, in the near future, research says