Countdown to Money 20/20 Europe: Open Finance Panel

The first panel session of Money20/20 Europe is set to focus on the shift in the financial climate and industry leaders. As the title of the session suggests, ‘Champions are out, and interoperability is in’ as the role of mega-companies no longer involves monopolising the marketplace. Instead the digital ecosystem is the focus of discussion and the reason why so many new fintechs are thriving and scaling.
Open Finance and the fintech digital ecosystem at Money20/20
The role of Open Finance is a key component of cooperative management and business transaction, as organisations work together and collaborate to grow, rather than compete to be at the top alone.
The panel will be led by Aliya Das Gupta, senior VP of Sygnum Bank. She will moderate the discussion, which includes Peter De Caluwe, CEO of Thunes, John Broxis, managing director of Open Banking Exchange, Sam Seaton, CEO of Moneyhub and Todd Schweitzer, CEO and founder of Open Banking Exchange Asia.
A summary of the session on the Money 20/20 Europe website reveals: “Following the double whammy of a global pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine, inflation rates are at levels not seen since the 1970's in many Western countries.
“Open finance presents an opportunity to cushion the blow, if implemented intelligently and collaboratively. This panel discussion with experts across the open banking and finance industries will explore ways that the industry can get ahead of the problem to be more proactive.”
FinTech Magazine at Money 20/20
We’ll be there at the event too. We have a stand (Hall 7, Stand E20) and we’re looking forward to having lots of interesting discussions with both new and established market players. As part of the event, we are also offering attendees the opportunity to join us at our own FinTech Live event in London in November, through using our special 50% off promo code, MONEY2020 when registering your attendance.